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REVIEWS (...continued)


  • Polo played in the long hall, mesmerizing the room with his talent and grace. He gave everyone an authentic and wonderful taste of his musical prowess. This Is Hastings, eMagazine, UK


  • Your music and CD are wonderful. The mood is fantastic. Thank you! Stewart M. (Germany)


  • The songs were all different, even their introductions, all masterfully underscored at the piano by Polo Piatti... Der Maulwurf, Germany


  • We were very honoured by Polo’s amazing composition. Really words cannot describe! Richard Turner, The Churchill, London UK


  • Your works on the disc are as I've said before extremely relaxing but in concert with a full orchestra and you at the piano your music is incredibly powerful. There is a directness about it which makes me think that I always write too many notes! I shan't forget you walking nonchalantly onstage with your glasses on top of your head and returning without them - very charming! Paul Lewis, composer (UK)


  • An awesome album. Thank you! Jenny F. (USA)


  • We came to Polo Piatti's concert last night and had a wonderful time listening to his glorious sounds. We are thankful and delighted!' Jan & Mike Lushington, UK


  • The music fits so well and integrates perfectly into the action that is doesn't disturb but brings life to it! Dortmunder Zeitung, Germany


  • Listening to Polo’s music was truly magical. Thank you! Michele & Andrew Smith, London, UK


  • Just to say your music is really moving and beautiful, I have been getting familiar with some of it on YouTube while working from home. It's amazing to have found such pieces so unexpectedly - they all cause an emotional reaction, a sense of melancholy that fits the time and the place for me so perfectly, especially right now. The sunrises and the sunsets, the seagulls, the empty streets, even my leaking roof! If something positive came out of that Nextdoor post, coming across your music was it - thank you. It is our loss that we didn't know of your music until now, next time you're in concert, whenever that will be, we are not going to miss it! Mervyn Roza Mavrovati (UK)


  • So thrilled with Polo Piatti's new CD. There are some real gems on this collection. I continue to admire all his work. Louise D. (UK)


  • I only listen to good music, that's why I like Polo Piatti’s. What is life without music and people like him who create it? Mervyn H. (UK)


  • One had to be captivated by Polo Piatti's pianistic and improvisational talents. Stuttgarter Zeitung (Germany)


  • Piatti possesses a particular style of piano performance, essentially profound and romantic, like from past times. El Liberal, Santiago del Estero​​, Argentina


  • Something that you wouldn't believe to be possible ... getting suggestions from the audience and reacting and creating songs in the speed of seconds! Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Germany


  • Polo Piatti produces like nobody else I know this absolutely cathartic music! A. Brown, Battle, UK


  • It was really wonderful to see how well this in many ways so extraordinary piano evening was visited, especially by young listeners. Suttgarter Zeitung, Germany


  • One has to especially praise the music. Uncanny and somnambulist, the music sometimes remains beautifully ringing out. And some of the songs are so rousing that one finds oneself humming them while leaving for the interval. Stuttgarter Zeitung, Germany


  • Polo Piatti is a great composer with an extraordinary personality as well as being a pianist with  notable skills. And he demonstrated this in his numerous performances in front of European audiences. La Calle (Chile)


  • New music at its best: the truly remarkable pianist Polo Piatti, who has been working in Paris, is now travelling to Holland where he will be offering several classical and modern recitals on local TV. La Razon, Buenos Aires

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